WSCP Learning & Development
Welcome to the Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership training page
Individual agencies/organisations are responsible for ensuring that all those in contact or working with children and young people and/or with adults who are parents or carers, in a paid or voluntary capacity have access to high quality training and support to ensure the safeguarding of children. WSCP has provided a training guidance to support practitioners, managers and organisations to identify what level of training staff should attend.
Mandatory Safeguarding Induction
All agencies, this includes voluntary and faith organisations who play an important role in delivering services to children, should provide a mandatory induction which includes familiarisation with child protection responsibilities and procedures which are to be followed if anyone has any concerns about a child’s safety or welfare.
A mandatory induction should be provided on a one-to-one or group basis and employees need:
- To be aware of the definition of significant harm
- To be aware of whom to contact in the organisation if they have any concerns about a child’s safety or welfare and what procedures should be followed
- Support to identify further safeguarding training required in-line with job role
Employers should formally record that the employee has read the safeguarding policy and/or procedure.
In addition to the mandatory induction there are four levels of core training as outlined in the training guidance.
Further Safeguarding Training
WSCP signpost local practitioners to suitable e-learning packages, including free courses on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Prevent (safeguarding vulnerable people from the threat of radicalisation). More details about Safeguarding e-learning packages can be found on our e-Learning page and also via Virtual College.