WSCP Training and Events

Multi-Agency Approach –

Multi-agency training enables professionals to work effectively both within their own agency and across organisational boundaries. Training people together can make a significant contribution to building mutually respectful and trusting relationships, which forms the foundation of partnership working.

WSCP aims to –

  • Improve communication between professionals and others working with children, young people and families
  • Develop a shared understanding of roles and responsibilities
  • Contribute to whatever actions are needed to safeguard and promote the child’s welfare
  • Improve assessment, analysis and decision making
  • Improve effective working together based on sound working relationship

Current Training and Events –

Below are current virtual courses that are on offer:

  • Management of Allegations

Please find below the link and booking instructions to book onto the Management of Allegations training course:

Management of Allegations

Please follow guidance below:

Do you have an account – No thanks
Course price – click in public circle
Select organisation from dropdown box – Public
Put in your address
Then click book course

  • Signs of Safety Partnership Training

Please find below the link and booking instructions to book onto the Signs of Safety Partnership training course:

Signs of Safety Partnership Training

Please follow guidance below:

Do you have an account – No thanks
Course price – click in public circle
Select organisation from dropdown box – Public
Put in your address
Then click book course

  • Raising Awareness of Exploitation and Vulnerability (GET SAFE) Training

Please find below the link and booking instructions to book onto the Raising Awareness of Exploitation and Vulnerability (GET SAFE) training course:

Please follow guidance below:

Do you have an account – No thanks
Course price – click in public circle
Select organisation from dropdown box – Public
Put in your address
Then click book course

  • Levels of Need Training

Below are the links to book on the above training.  Delegates from external agencies will also need to follow the instructions to book on.

External Agencies – Multi Agency Levels of Need and Threshold Guidance Workshop

Please follow guidance below

Do you have an account – No thanks
Course price – click in public circle
Select organisation from dropdown box – Public
Put in your address
Then clickbook course


  • Providing Early Help In Worcestershire Workshop

This session will cover the four areas:
• What is Early Help?
• How to creatively gather the childs voice
• Completing an Early Help Assessment
• Holding a team around the family meeting
This workshop will include:
• Speakers from  Education and Health – each will explore how they complete an Early Help Assessments (EHA ) and Plan  in their own organisation and how this contributes to supporting children and families at the earliest opportunity
• How to creatively  gather  the child’s voice to inform Early  Help Assessments and Plans.
• How to implement the Early Help Pathway
• How to hold a Team Around the Family (TAF), when meetings should take place, and when a concern identifies the need for a multi-agency response
CourseDetail (

Any identified issues with the booking system please contact: Judith Peachey –


Free e-learning courses provided by other organisations –

  • Domestic Abuse Free Training

Worcestershire County Council has commissioned “free” multi-agency domestic abuse training in conjunction with Sarah Wigley Associates. This training seeks to raise awareness and equip professionals with a better understanding of the dynamics of abuse, including coercive control and to better identify, signpost and support victims.

For more information and for details about booking, contact

·         Introduction to Prevent e-learning package (Home Office)

This e-Learning module can be accessed at via the Home Office website

·         Keep Them Safe

Keep Them Safe Protecting Children From Child Sexual Exploitation a joint production by Safeguarding e-Academy, PACE and Virtual College.  This course can be accessed at the PACE website by typing ‘Keep Them Safe’ into the search box at the top of the page.

·         Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Recognising and preventing FGM training is available for professionals with safeguarding responsibilities from the Home Office website. It gives an introduction to Female Genital Mutilation and the action you must take to protect girls who may be at risk.

  • The National Referral Mechanism for Child Victims of Trafficking

Every Child Protected from Trafficking (ECPAT UK) have launched free online training sessions for professionals who are self-isolating or working from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This recorded webinar was designed to build knowledge of the National Referral Mechanism, your duties and best practice. You can watch the recording of the webinar here.

  • Suicide Prevention

Health Education England Public Health England have published a new eLearning module on Suicide Prevention called ‘We need to talk about suicide’.  The module aims to provide support for volunteers and health care professionals, enabling them to recognise early warning signs of suicide, support patients and their families, as well as offering additional health services in this time of need.  The module has been developed with support from families who have lived through suicide as well as health care professionals who work in mental health services.  The content includes section on why talking matters, who is at risk and possible warning signs, how to respond and support and wellbeing.  The module is free to access here.

  • Young People and Gambling

The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM) are a leading National charity collaboratively delivering the UK’s £10million national education programme to those working with young people (age 7-25), to raise awareness around the potential harms associated with gaming and gambling.  They work  in a variety of health and educational settings, safeguarding and youth organisations and are also working with Children’s Services across a number of London boroughs.   They are currently running some free online training, covering:

an overview of how young people are increasingly exposed to gaming and gambling

the influence of advertising, particularly around sporting events

the role of social media, in game purchases, loot boxes and Esports

the signs to look out for when an individual is at risk and where to seek help

our resources that have been developed for practitioners to deliver

For further details, including dates and booking, please refer to their website here.

  • Forced Marriage

Virtual College provide an Awareness of Forced Marriage elearning course on behalf of the Government. The course was developed with the Forced Marriage Unit of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Home Office. It aims to raise awareness, challenge perceptions and inform professionals of the correct actions to take should you suspect someone is at risk. The key learning outcomes are:

  • Recognition of the warning signs of forced marriage;
  • Taking the right actions to prevent potential victim; and
  • Co-operate effectively with other agencies.

This eLearning course is aimed at all professionals who have a responsibility to safeguard vulnerable children, young people and adults at risk. To undertake the course, you first need to register.

  • Modern Slavery

This free course, provided by The Open University, through OpenLearn, is designed to develop an understanding of the international system of human rights protection in relation to modern slavery, but also encourage an appreciation of the influence of International Human Rights Law on the development of the domestic system of human rights protection.  After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • understand the historical origins of slavery as well as examples of slavery
  • understand the international legal framework prohibiting slavery
  • understand the concept of modern slavery and its various forms
  • analyse the applicable law and apply it to a given example/case study
  • critically analyse and evaluate proposals for new legislation addressing modern slavery.

In order to under the course, which takes approximately 15 hours in total, you will need to first create an account on the OpenLearn site, if you do not already have one.

  • Safeguarding Child Victims of Trafficking

ECPAT UK provides training throughout the UK and internationally on child protection in tourism and on the protection of child victims of trafficking. In particular, ECPAT UK operates a national training programme on safeguarding children to increase awareness and highlight the specific support needs of trafficked children.  It has made available a free eLearning course ‘In Your Hands – Safeguarding Child Victims of Trafficking’.  To access the course, please register or login.

  • Safeguarding Adults

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) provides a free eLearning training course on safeguarding adults. The course considers what adult safeguarding is, what are the different types and indicators of abuse, what to do if you suspect someone is being harmed and how to improve safeguarding to prevent harm. In order to complete the course, you must first set up a SCIE account.

  • Channel Training

The home office have written a training course about Channel.

Depending on your needs the course will help you understand

  • The objectives of the Channel programme
  • The working process of Channel
  • Roles and responsibilities of people involved in Channel.

It shares key learnings and best practice from those already involved in Channel around the country and will allow you to work through example case studies so you can see the process in action.

  • Self-Harm and Risky Behaviour

The MindEd ‘Self-Harm and Risky Behaviour‘ online module is aimed at a universal audience and provides the background to self-harm in children and teenagers, common associated conditions and the optimal approach to managing it in the community.

  • Suicide Prevention

Public Health England have a Learning module on Suicide Prevention called ‘We need to talk about suicide’.  The module aims to provide support for volunteers and health care professionals, enabling them to recognise early warning signs of suicide, support patients and their families, as well as offering additional health services in this time of need.  This module was developed with support from families who have lived through suicide as well as health care professionals who work in mental health services.  The content includes section on why talking matters, who is at risk and possible warning signs, how to respond and support and wellbeing.

The module is free to access via Public Health England.

The Zero Suicide Alliance have released an eLearning package around suicide and how to open a conversation with someone who may be struggling with their own mental wellbeing.

The aims of this training are to: enable people to identify when someone is presenting with suicidal thoughts/behaviour, to be able to speak out in a supportive manner, and to empower them to signpost the individual to the correct services or support.

The free module to access is available on the Zero Suicide Alliance website.

  •  Understand Young Minds

Virtual College have worked in partnership with SelfharmUK to create a free online course designed to help parents talk about the issue of self-harm with their children.

Find the course at

  • Disability Matters

Disability Matters offers free online learning packages to enable organisations, workers and volunteers to develop the communication and problem-solving skills required to engage confidently with disabled children and young people.

There are a range of learning packages that have been recommended or endorsed by external organisations:

  • Disability Basics
  • Disability and Society
  • Regular Contact and Support Matters
  • Occasional Contact and Support Matters
  • Networking Matters
  • Building an Inclusive Society
  • Safeguarding Basics.

Access the online learning on their website at

  • Gender Non-Conforming Young People

Working in partnership with GIRES (the Gender Identity Research and Education Society), Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has created an online learning course to help healthcare and other staff understand the needs of gender nonconforming young people.

The course is free, is easily accessible online and takes around 45 minutes to complete. It is designed for staff of all levels and disciplines and provides an optional test, as well as a certificate of completion.

It includes an introduction to gender non-conformity, advice on how to create supportive environments for gender non-conforming young people and critical information about medical interventions and front-line support.

Access the course is via the GIRES website at

  • Self-Harm & Risky Behaviours

The MindEd ‘Self-Harm and Risky Behaviour’ online module is aimed at a universal audience and provides the background to self-harm in children and teenagers, common associated conditions and the optimal approach to managing it in the community.

Find this resource on their website at


  • Other e-Learning Packages

More details about Safeguarding e-learning packages is available via Virtual College.

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