About US
About the Safeguarding Adults Board
A copy of our constitution can be found by following this link
What we do
We work at a strategic level to monitor the effectiveness of the safeguarding work carried out by all of our partner members and partner agencies.
What is our purpose?
The main purpose of Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board (WSAB) is to promote wellbeing and reduce the risk of harm for people with care and support needs. We do this by;
- Seeking assurance that our partners listen to the voice of the person at risk
- Seeking assurance that Worcestershire safeguarding arrangements are in place as defined by the Care Act 2014 and supporting statutory guidance
- Seeking assurance that safeguarding practice carried out by organisations in Worcestershire is person-centred and outcome-focused
- Work collaboratively in order to prevent abuse and neglect where possible
- Seek to ensure that agencies and individuals give timely and balanced responses when abuse or neglect is identified
- Assure our self that safeguarding practice in Worcestershire is continuously improving and that we are enhancing the quality of life of adults within our local communities.
How we do it
The role and responsibilities of the Board are summarised in the following 5 Strategic Objectives:
1) To provide and seek assurance of effective leadership, partnership working and governance, holding partners and agencies to account
2) To listen to people who have been subject to abuse or neglect, and seek assurance that people are able to be supported in the way that they want, are involved in decisions and can achieve the best outcomes
3) To be assured that safeguarding is embedded in communities, raising awareness, promoting well-being and preventing abuse and neglect from happening in the first place
4) To seek assurance that effective policies, procedures and practices are in place that ensure the safety and wellbeing of anyone who has been subject to abuse or neglect, are proportionate and that action is taken against those responsible.
5) To learn lessons and make changes that prevent similar abuse or neglect happening to other people.
Annual Objectives
Each year the WSAB holds a Strategy Day to evaluate the impact of activities over the last year and look at any emerging issues identified through SARs, consolidation, or performance data. This informs the priorities for our Annual Business Plan.
The objectives which will be taken forward during the 2024 to 2025 business year include:
- Implement the Learning Framework to ensure that SAR learning is embedded in practice and is underpinned by clear a communication plan which includes the sharing of good news and practice. Areas of focus should include:
- professional curiosity
- Safeguarding rights
- Continue to build links with other partnership to support the delivery of shared objectives including:
- implementation of the Exploitation Strategy with the CSPs and/or SCP
- developing a shared approach to implementing the recommendations of Domestic Homicide Reviews with the Domestic Abuse Partnership
- Working with the Children’s Partnership and Herefordshire SAB in establishing a robust assurance approach for reviewing the organisational assessments submitted through the regional assurance tool.
- Implement the new actions identified in the Quality Assurance Framework, in particular:
- Reviewing the themes identified by organisations through the regional assurance tool
Other areas which were identified but do not feature in the above objectives include.
- Working to ensure there is a shared language in terms of risk assessments at both local and national level.
- Understand the implications of the ‘Workplace Practice Act (this includes Sexual Safety)
These objectives have been used to complete the Annual Business Plan and inform the work streams of the relevant subgroups.
The Board is required to publish an Annual Report to show how it has performed during the year. Copies of our Annual Reports can be found by following this link WSAB Annual Reports
Previous Years Objectives
Objectives for 2023 to 2024
Link to progress update on last years objectives
Objectives for 2022 to 2023
Link to progress update for 2022 to 23 Objectives
Board Structure
WSAB Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)
The QAF sets out how the WSAB will provide assurance that the WSAB and its constituent partner agencies
have effective systems, structures, processes and practice in place to improve outcomes and experience in the context of safeguarding adults at risk. It is overseen by the Performance and Quality Assurance Sub-group. A copy of the QAF can be found by following this link:
Board Partners
Worcestershire County Council (Adult Social Care)
West Mercia Police
NHS Herefordshire & Worcestershire Integrated Care Board
Worcestershire County Council (Public Heath)
Herefordshire & Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
National Probation Service
Worcestershire Voluntary Sector Representative
Regulatory Services (Trading Standards)
Representative from the Independent Care Homes Sector
Carers Reference Group Representative (Hosted by Worcestershire Association of Carers)
Lead Councillor for Adult Social Care
Worcestershire Strategic Housing Partnership, Representative
Advocacy Reference Group Representative
Representative from Independent Health Care Provider
Lived Experience representative
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Fire and Rescue Service
Board Secretariat
Professor Keith Brown Independent Chair
Bridget Brickley Board Manager
Sarah Wilks SAR Manager & Board Coordinator
Jane Jones Board Administrator
CARM@worcestershire.gov.uk CARM Project Lead
01905 844474/01905 846572
Media Enquiries
For all media enquiries relating to Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board please contact 01905 844474 or 01905 846572 or email SafeguardingAdultsBo@worcestershire.gov.uk.
Other Boards and Agencies
We work closely with a number of other Board and agencies including;
- Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP)
- Worcestershire Community Safety Partnerships
- Worcestershire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB)
Here are some more links to other agencies that you may find useful;