Policies, Procedures & Guidance

Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board Guidance

The following guidance has been developed locally. They include local policies, procedure’s and pathways, alongside agreed protocols on how partner organisations should work together.

Most of the current local policies have been developed to cover the county of Worcestershire.  However with the introduction of the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and System (ICS) the footprint of the ICB and the Health and Care Trust expanded across both Herefordshire and Worcestershire.  West Mercia Police’s reach also covers these two counties, alongside Shropshire. Both the WSAB and Herefordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) have  adopted a joint policy framework  which sets out the approach for developing shared policies, where feasible.

General Guidance


Mental Capacity Act and Best Interest Guidance

Safeguarding Adults Reviews Guidance

Self-Neglect Guidance

Further information and resources on self-neglect can be found on our dedicated self-neglect page

Link to WSAB Self-neglect page

Adult Social Care Safeguarding Guidance

Reference to National Guidance

In a number of practice areas the WSAB has not produced local multi-agency guidance but have agreed to refer to national guidance.   These include

Fire Safety

Serious Incidents Guidance

Pressure Ulcers

Complex Adults Risk Management (CARM) framework

This guidance seeks to provide front line practitioners  with a framework to facilitate effective working with adults who are at risk of significant harm due to their complex needs, and where the risks cannot effectively be managed via other processes or interventions, such as section 9 care and support assessment or section 42, safeguarding enquiry under the Care Act 2014.

The Complex Adults Risk Management (CARM) framework should be used when the adult’s engagement with support is intermittent or where it has proved difficult to engage with the adult, and the risk is significant, and an individual agency procedures have not been able to resolve the problem(s).

For more information on the CARM and details of how to make a referral please follow the links below:

CARM Framework

CARM Referral Form 

CARM Safety Plan 

WSAB Privacy Statement

The WSAB Privacy Notice  explains how the Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board (WSAB) collects, uses and shares personal information in order to carry out its statutory duties and responsibilities.  It can be found by following this link:

Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board Privacy Notice | Worcestershire County Council

Competency Frameworks and Assurance Checklists

WSAB Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)

The QAF sets out how the WSAB will provide assurance that the WSAB and its constituent partner agencies
have effective systems, structures, processes and practice in place to improve outcomes and experience in the context of safeguarding adults at risk.  It is overseen by the Performance and Quality Assurance Sub-group.  A copy of the QAF can be found by following this link:
