Self Neglect

A significant number of reviews have identified self-neglect as an important area that practitioners need to improve upon.  Learning which has been identified in recent reviews and addressed in the revised self-neglect policy include:

  • Information sharing: Provide clarity on where to seek support where consent has not been given but concerns remain and are still being reported. (BS Review)
  • Enforcement Powers: In complex cases multi agency discussions should include what powers partner agencies have access to which could be used to ensure that the necessary level of support is available, this should include the appropriate use of enforcement powers as identified in the Self Neglect and Hoarding Policy. (Alison)

In response to this the WSAB have produced a self-neglect policy.  This has recently been updated and can be found via this link :  WSAB Self-Neglect Policy June 2024

There is also a dedicated resource page which can be found by following this Link: WSAB Self Neglect Resource Page


Reviews with learning on Self-neglect

The following reviews have included concerns around self neglect:

Jack (January 2025)

John  (January 2024)

Adult M (December 2023)

Peter (November 2023)

Ruth (July 2023)

Alison (January 2023)

BS (July 2022)

Joan, Kate & Laura (September 2021)

Mr & Mrs Jones (September 2021)

Thematic SAR Regarding People Who Sleep Rough (October 2020)